“How to Love a Child” Lecture #3

The Evolution, Current Status and Future of the “Best Interests of the Child” Principle in the Protection of Children’s Rights – the third lecture of the “How to Love a Child” the Janusz Korczak Lecture Series took place on Wednesday, November 25, 2015.

This lecture and discussion focused on current challenges in the implementation of the “best interests of the child” standard in Canadian jurisprudence, social policy and professional practice. The keynote speaker,  Hon. Senator Anne Cools, gave a very inspiring lecture to an audience of over 100 participants. The lecture was followed with presentations by three panelists, Beverley Smith, Eugenea Couture and Cecelia Reekie and a discussion with the audience. The session was moderated by Dr. Edward Kruk, who gave a short introductory lecture. Lillian Boraks-Nemetz spoke on behalf of the Janusz Korczak Association of Canada.

Please click below for the video recording of the session.

The Evolution, Current Status and Future of the “Best Interests of the Child” Principle in the Protection of Children’s Ri

DSC_0241 Speakers


DSC_0242 Lillian Boraks-Nemetz

Lillian Boraks-Nemetz

DSC_0244 Dr. Edward Kruk

Dr. Edward Kruk

Hon. Senator Anne Cools and Jerry Nussbaum

Hon. Senator Anne Cools and Jerry Nussbaum